By Hua Mei Counselling and Coaching team
None of us had ever imagined a disruption to life in Singapore as major as those of COVID-19 with its circuit breaker period.
The pandemic started off disrupting daily meetings at work, amongst teams and externally - with clients and community partners. Eventually, our counselling team adjusted from making face-to-face sessions to phone or video sessions with our elder clients, caregivers and partnering agencies. We also have to work doubly hard to ensure them of the provision of continual support and assistance needed by clients. The pandemic also triggered more anxieties for some of our clients – which we are eager to understand, and to share with other caregivers and care teams.
The experience has been bitter-sweet for caregivers. The advice for all to stay home means that some would not be able to get physical support from their relatives, friends and neighbours. For those who have to work from home, they have to juggle between work and longer dedicated hours of caring for their loved ones, taking a toll on their physical and/or emotional well-being.
On the other hand, some caregivers had surprised us with creativity and adaptability during this extraordinary times, be it developing stronger motivation for self-care, e.g. inserting a daily15-minute coffee + radio break; to simplifying the caregiving routine, e.g. appointing other family members to make online purchases and relieving each other’s workload using technology, they are truly displaying the spirit of ‘THRIVING’!
Their can-do spirit is contagious and has encouraged us to kick-start an online Caregiving resource space where we hope will reach out to caregivers under our care and potentially, a wider online audience who are caring for their elder family members.
At Hua Mei Counselling and Coaching, we firmly believe that:
Thus our team of counsellors and community-based eldercare professionals have been committed to put together a library of content including audio visual and written material, covering topics ranging from relaxation exercises to inspiring stories of caregiving. Do check out the resource at www.TsaoFoundation/Caregiving.
COVID-19 pandemic has been a catalyst for change on how we live, work, play and more importantly, how to keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy and safe. We hope this new virtual resource will help our clients and all caregivers to create positive changes for your elders and loved ones.