Self-care Courses

Singaporeans are living longer! According to MOH, Singaporeans are expected to live on average 84.8 years, which is the longest life expectancy in the world! But how do we ensure that this gift of long life is not spent on poor health and disability as we hit our 70s, or 80s?

The ComSA Learning Room provides comprehensive life skills courses and training to assist older adults in achieving mastery in self-care and successful ageing. To achieve successful ageing, you are strongly encouraged to attend at least 1 course from each pillar.


As a participant in the Learning Room, you will be guided to map out your own learning journey in the 6 areas of self-care. Thus, your learning journey is highly personalised to meet your own needs and interests in staying healthy for as long as possible.

The Learning Room courses and service are ideal for anyone who is:

  • Seeking to enhance personal physical, mental, social and financial wellbeing and health
  • At risk of chronic disease(s) or living with one or more chronic conditions
  • Looking to find meaning and purpose in life
  • Providing caregiving to an elder in the family



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Note: Fully subsidised courses^* are applicable to first timers to each course. Participants who wish to participate in the course again will need to pay for 20% of the course fee and GST. 全额津贴的课程只限于首次参加该课程的学员. 若学员希望再次参加该课程,将需支付课程费用的20%及消费税。

^80% course subsidy by National Silver Academy for Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident, aged 50 years and above. 新加坡公民或永久居民,年满 50 岁及以上可获得全国乐龄学苑所资助的 80% 学费津贴。
*20% course subsidy by Tsao Foundation for Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident, aged 50 years and above. 新加坡公民或永久居民,年满 50 岁及以上可获得曹氏基金会所资助的 20% 学费津贴。