ILC-Singapore aims to promote the well-being of older people and contribute to national development through undertaking research and forging collaborations which inform policy, facilitate policy-action translation and promote quality, effective practice in Singapore and the region.
One of its principal activities is to implement community development programmes to address innovatively and effectively the situations of older persons amid emerging socio-demographic trends. True to its mission to join the dots between multi-party stakeholders, these programmes serve older persons in partnership with local and regional service agencies and enterprise, and integrate research investigations to promote national planning and positive systemic change.
Across the Southeast Asia region, older women receive less income than older men, have fewer savings, are less likely to receive pensions or have lower levels of pension benefits than men, and are more likely to rely on family members. Older women’s lower levels of financial security are the result of the cumulative disadvantages that women face throughout their lives in education, employment, access to assets, income and other opportunities. Failure to change our current policy frameworks risks perpetuating generations of poor women and driving already vulnerable groups of women further to the margins.
Promoting Financial Security of Older Women in Southeast Asia or Pro-Older Women is a multi-country pilot gender and age mainstreaming project aiming to enhance older women’s wellbeing through improving the levels of financial security of older women. Specifically, the project aims to: enhance institutional capacity of project partners in developing gender-sensitive and age-friendly policies and programs; develop collaboration of women & ageing networks; create, strengthen and maximize spaces for meaningful engagement; and broaden understanding of women of all ages and decision makers on financial security of older women both in the national and regional level. In partnership with HelpAge International (Asia Pacific Office), this two-year project, kicked off last February 2020 in two countries, the Philippines and Thailand with Coalition of Services of the Elderly (COSE) and Foundation for Older Persons Development (FOPDEV) as partner project implementers, respectively. The ILC-S also aims to catalyse gender and age mainstreaming through Pro-Older Women Project in other Southeast Asian countries soon.
One of the projects under ILC-SG is the evaluation of the EMPOWER Programme community development intervention. It will undertake analysis of the impacts of the community development programme through interviews at different time points of the programme as well as surveys to track and monitor community experiences of participation through the lenses of improving self- and collective efficacy. It will also analyse interviews on the various community issues research by older persons to deeper understand the experiences and challenges of older persons and advocate for these issues on broader platforms.
The main challenge of keeping diabetes under good control requires daily management of medication and lifestyle modification. To achieve good diabetes control, it requires not only good medical care; it involves a lot on self-discipline, motivation, social support and knowledge. SCOPE Diabetes Management (DM) is a weekly community participation programme introduced to Whampoa residents aged 55 years and above who are diagnosed with diabetes. Its interactive workshops is designed with activities and discussions on the 12 aspects of diabetes care:
1. Overview of diabetes
2. Life Goals
3. Diet
4. Exercise
5. Medication
6. Blood Sugar Glucose Monitoring
7. Emergency
8. Sick day
9. Traveling
10. Complications
11. Communication
12. Consolidation
Contributing to the Strategic L.E.A.D. programme for senior public servants, conducted by the Singapore Civil Service College, we designed this presentation on one of the nation's most pressing issues: rapid population graying. It focuses on a spectrum of related policy implications from income security to the built environment, and long-term care financing. Included are home visits to the clients of the Hua Mei Centre for Successful Ageing, for participants to get a glimpse into how older Singaporeans in the community cope with the challenges of ageing.
SCOPE aims to improve the health and well-being of community-dwelling older persons aged 55 years and above, by providing training in self-care and a framework for peer monitoring. This innovative programme includes a research study into its efficacy. There is also potential for taking it forward with regional partners.
The Citi-Tsao Foundation Financial Education Programme for Women addresses one of the gender biases in social trends: while women generally outlive men, financially, they are more vulnerable. With the backing of Citi Foundation and Citi Singapore, the programme was designed to help women in the lower income bracket become financially independent in their older years. This ground-breaking initiative has been introduced in Indonesia, and was taken up recently by the People's Association to widen its community reach.