Community Development

In support of ComSA Whampoa Centre’s goals, the Community Development programme works towards enabling a healthy community where older people are engaged and residents, in general, have an increased sense of well-being.

We envision an inclusive community where…

- Older people are actively defining and performing their personal and civic roles with people of all ages who bring meaning and support to their lives;
- Older people provide inputs and make decisions together using a culture-centred community-based process;
- Older people are able to sustain a robust participation and decision-making process in the community;
- Older people and mature residents have the capability to develop and implement civic-action initiatives; and
- A positive image of successful ageing and of older people thrives, as holders of community history and active contributors to society's productivity and values

The key pieces of the Community Development component are:

1. Delivery of trainings on self-care, wellness and empowerment reaching out to a broad range of residents aged 45 years and older
2. Setting up and management of support groups or a seniors’ club that will sustain self-care and wellness practices and empower older people and the community—in general to provide assistance (befriending, exercise partnering, food delivery, etc) as well as camaraderie
3. Formation of an active and capable pool of volunteers across age groups to facilitate trainings, assist older people, generate better awareness of self-care and wellness, and lead initiatives that will engender a stronger sense of community and the awareness of positive ageing
4. Developing activities and events that will highlight the history, the people and the spirit of the community through the active engagement and participation of everyone in the community
5. Facilitate empowerment activities that will develop community advocates who can develop and implement civic-action initiatives to help resolve issues and improve communication within community as a whole


Project SCOPE



The Self Care on Health of Older Persons in Singapore (SCOPE) is a community development programme that combines research and training components.

SWING Programme



SWING is a community development strategy and a process that facilitates older people’s participation in their own community.

GAB Programme



The Guided Autobiography Group (GAB) programme was developed by Dr James E. Birren, an ageing research pioneer.

Curating Whampoa



Curating Whampoa is a community art and heritage project that seeks to collect curate and present the rich cultural and living heritage of Whampoa through a series of thematic events organized over the two-year period.

EMPOWER (2019 – 2021)



Enriching and Mobilising Participation of Whampoa’s Elder Residents (EMPOWER) is a 3- year pilot programme that aims to build a ground-up peer leader empowerment programme.