Caregiving Courses

At the Learning Room, we recognise the importance of caregivers who play critical roles in providing care for another person.

We want you to know that you are not alone, and that we are  here to help you. For this reason, we have created a series of caregiving programmes that prepare and support caregivers caring for older persons with physical and mental health needs and safety issues. 

Our workshops are practical and interactive, and you will gain new understanding and skills to help you provide daily care for older persons, handle ADLs, communicate effectively, manage difficult emotional and behavioural challenges, and connect to available community resources.

Upcoming Courses 课程 Date & Time 日期 & 时间

Journey with Dementia (Online)

Course Fees: $13.92*

Original Course Fees: $48.00 excludes GST and course subsidy*

View Course Brochure

Conducted in English (online)

Course Duration: 180 mins
To be completed within 6 months

Register for the course


Register interest for future face to face courses


^Note: Fully subsidised courses are applicable to first timers to each course. Participants who wish to participate in the course again will need to pay for 20% of the course fee and GST. 全额津贴的课程只限于首次参加该课程的学员. 若学员希望再次参加该课程,将需支付课程费用的20%及消费税。

*80% subsidy by National Silver Academy and 20% subsidy by Tsao Foundation for Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident, aged 50 years and above. 新加坡公民或永久居民,年满 50 岁及以上可获得全国乐龄学苑所资助的 80% 学费津贴和曹氏基金会所资助的 20% 学费津贴