The Tsao Foundation Experts Series

Under this banner, the Foundation invites international authorities on diverse aspects of longevity for the purpose of supporting professional knowhow in the community, and its own growth into a knowledge organisation.

To maximise learning opportunities, each event with the invited luminary usually includes a public forum open to aged care professionals and interested public, closed door sessions for policy-makers and programme planners, as well as service appraisal and development sessions within the Foundation.

The Experts Series evolved from the Distinguished Scholars Programme, which the Foundation launched in 1996. That Programme was inaugurated by the late Dr Robert N. Butler, a giant in the field of gerontology, who was the President and CEO of the International Longevity Center-USA (ILC-USA) and Professor of Geriatrics and Adult Development at Mount Sinai Medical Center, USA.

When launched in 1999 with MCYS’ support, the ‘Experts Series On Successful Ageing’ had Dr James Birren, Professor Emeritus of Gerontology and Psychology, University of Southern California, USA - widely known as the founding father of the Psychology of Ageing - among the eminent guests. Another distinguished guest was Mr Shiro Yamazaki from Japan’s Ministry of Health, who addressed the subject of ‘Long term care insurance’.

Some of the most recent guests in the series were :

Dr Alex Kalache, who was previously director of the World Health Organisation’s global ageing programme in Geneva. Known for his work in developing the framework for the WHO’s Global Age-Friendly Cities, Dr Kalache delivered the keynote address at the forum, “Smart, Inclusive Cities”, which the Foundation held on 15 November 2017. He presented on global, national and local community initiatives for shaping environments that foster healthy ageing and enable opportunities in longevity.

Professor Tara Cortes, Executive Director of the Hartford Institute of Geriatric Nursing, and Professor in Geriatric Nursing at the New York University College of Nursing. During the symposium on 26 June 2018, Professor Cortes spoke on education and training in the area of community gerontological nursing as well as the role of the nurse in community based long term care and primary care for seniors.